• Step 1

    -Click the “Get Started” button. This will prompt you to telI me a little about yourself.

    -I will then email you to set up a brief phone call to discuss your needs and to see if we are a good fit. We will schedule our first appointment during this call.

  • Step 2

    -I will email you a link to Simple Practice, a HIPAA-compliant therapy tool, we will use for video connection and other logistics.

    -You will need to complete required forms in Simple Practice before our first appointment. If the forms have not been completed 48 hours before our appointment, the appointment will be cancelled.

    -During our first visit, we will focus on your background and your goals. We will get to know each other and begin to establish trust and rapport. We will also coordinate future appointments.

  • Step 3

    -As our work continues, we will meet anywhere between 45-55 minutes on a schedule that we mutually decide, usually weekly at first and then every other week or monthly. I may ask you to complete additional forms or tasks between our visits to help you to feel change more quicky.

    -I will start each visit with a check-in and will ask you for specific agenda items and goals you have for our time together.

  • Step 4

    -Following each visit, I will either bill your insurance (BCBS) and/or charge your credit card. If you would like to seek reimbursement from your insurance company, I can provide guidance on how to do that.